This branch of medicine has made rapid progress over the past 20 years. The most significant are in the field of:
Endometriosis - In women this is a major cause of pain especially period pains. The condition is treatable and women should be aware of this and seek help rather than heed poor advice that this is part of "being a woman". Endometriosis treatment is very important and should be taken more seriously, for check up and consultation refer to our Singapore Gynaecology Clinic, headed by Dr Yap Lip Kee.
These are common places where endometriosis is found:
- Ovary
- Posterior wall of uterus
- Pouch of Douglas
There are other less common places:
- Utero-vesicle fold (on bladder)
- Appendix
- Diaphragm
Ovarian Endometriosis
Superficial endometriotic lesions over the right ovary.These are possible causes of pain and infertility.
Superficial endometriotic lesions over the right ovary being removed.
Early endometriosis of the ovary lesions believed to start superficially before developing into cysts as in next video.
Left ovary enlarge, cyst is about 2 cm. in diameter and there are adhesions to the uterus.
Left ovary enlarged due to presence of an endometriotic cyst about 5 cm. in diameter. Note the presence of endometriotic adhesions.
Endometriotic cyst being mobilized. The cysts leaks in the process and the typical “chocolate “ material is aspirated and removed.
Progression of the endometriotic process often results in the formation of bilateral endometriomas with adhesion formation – typically described as "kissing ovaries"
Endometriotic lesions posterior to uterus
Endometriotic deposits behind uterus, near left ovary – close up.
Endometriotic deposits behind uterus, near left ovary being removed.
Endometriotic lesions in Pouch of Douglas
Endometriotic lesions noted in Pouch of Douglas, the areas behind and below the uterus.
Endometriotic lesions in Pouch of Douglas, being cauterized.
Severe endometriosis affecting the Pouch of Douglas.
Areas outside pelvis affected by endometriosis
Endometriotic lesions over the utero-vesicle fold, the area of peritoneum on the bladder.
Endometriotic lesions over the utero-vesicle fold, the area of peritoneum on the bladder.
Endometriotic lesions over the utero-vesicle fold – advanced stage.
Superficial lesions on appendix.
Appendix more severly affected. Noted the distortion, called clubbing.
Endometriotic deposits under the diaphragm.
Endometriotic deposits anterior wall close to ribs.
Recommended Links
For details the NIH pages on Endometriosis are very comprehensive
For good quality articles the best site I know is at