
This site is for use by medical staff to illustrate talks and education sessions and must be viewed as such. For good reading material, a series of links at the end of this section are useful.

Types of Cysts

Functional - normal and not likely to cause problems
Ovarian Cysts - pathological
Adnexal Masses - cysts related to but not arising from ovary


Normal and not likely to cause problems.

Follicular Cysts - Ultrasound picture of a typical follicular cyst.

Laparoscopic view of a simple follicle or follicular cyst.
Corpus Luteum Cysts - Ultrasound picture of a corpus luteum or cystic corpus luteum.
Ovarian Cysts


Endometriotic Cyst - Typical ultrasound picture. Various technical terms such as homogeneous, uniformly echogenic cystic area are often used. In layman terms the "ground glass effect" is aptly descriptive of ultrasound appearance of endometriotic cysts.

Laparoscopic view of small endometrioma. The endometriotic cyst is being drained, the chocolate material released is the reason these cysts are commonly called "chocolate cysts".
Laparoscopic view of large endometriomas. Endometriosis often affect both ovaries and the cysts are adherent (joined) behind the uterus. These are called "kissing ovaries". This picture is surprisingly free of adhesions which accompany kissing ovaries.
Laparoscopic view of large endometriomas and adhesions. This is more typical of kissing ovaries where adhesions cause attachment of bowel to the ovaries.
Dermoid Cyst - Typical ultrasound picture of dermoid cyst.
Laparoscopic view of dermoid cyst. Dermoid cysts are usually mobile and free of adhesions. This patient also has a small fibroid on the left near the cornua of the tube.