Laparoscopic Myomectomy for Fibroids

Both laparotomy and laparoscopy are two tests that Gynaecologists can and may use when diagnosing fibroids. Myomectomy or the surgical treatment used in removing uterine fibroids (Myoma = fibroids, ectomy = removal) is used to be done by laparotomy. while most women are often only offered ope myomectomies with large incisions, Laparoscopic Myomectomy is the choice of women suffering from symptomatic fibroids but dont consider having a hysterectomy. During laparotomy the abdomen is opened. The cut can be either transverse or longitidinal.

Laparoscopic Myomectomy or the Laparoscopic Removal of Fibroids however, is done when a small-tubed camera is inserted into the stomach area in order to collect a tissue sample for testing. Laparoscopic Fibroid Removal are also sometimes called Keyhole Surgery for Fibroids because Laparoscopic Surgery for Fibroids is carried out through a very small incision. The Laparoscopic Myomectomy process effectively removes the uterine fibroids while keeping the uterus intact for fertility.

Gynae Consultancy Pte Ltd offers Laparoscopic Myomectomy in Singapore. For any questions regarding Gynaecology in Singapore, feel free to consult us.

a) An incision is made above the hairline (what some call the bikini cut)
b) The uterus is pulled out and a cut made to take out the fibroids buried within
c) After the cut is made in the uterus the uterine fibroid is removed with the help of a myomectomy screw.
d) After thing out the fibroids the uterus is repaired. To ensure that it heals well and is strong enough to withstand the pressures of future childbearing it is often closed in 2 or more layers.
e) After repairing the uterus the abdomen is closed in layers
f) When there are as many fibroids as this the traditional open method (laparotomy) remains the best option
g) The same fibroids laid out to enable appreciation of scale